2. AC Slater - Jack Got Jacked (4:48) http://www.myspace.com/theacslater
3. Adeyhawke - Gigavolt Angel (4:17) http://www.myspace.com/adeyhawke
4. Alan Braxe - Addicted (4:04) http://www.myspace.com/alanbraxe
5. Altair Nouveau - Space Fortress (6:18) http://www.myspace.com/altairnouveaumusic
6. Amp Fiddler - I'm Doin' Fine (7:00) http://www.myspace.com/ampfiddler
7. Annie - I Know UR Girlfriend Hate Me - Get Shakes Remix (5:46) http://www.myspace.com/anniemusic
8. Anoraak - Nightdrive With You (GRUM's New Wave Remix) (6:08) http://www.myspace.com/anoraak
9. The Black Ghosts - Face (Switch mix) (5:46) http://www.myspace.com/blackghosts
10. Boy 8-Bit - Suspense Is Killing Me (Original Mix) (4:53) http://www.myspace.com/boy8bit
11. Bryan Cox - lets go to work radio edit (3:33) http://www.myspace.com/djbryancox
12. Busy P - To Protect And Entertain (Crookers Remix) (5:08) http://www.myspace.com/busyp
13. ccivory - dixieFINAL1 (4:17) http://www.myspace.com/ccivory
14. Christopher Kincaid - overcomers(your dirty habit remix) (5:25) http://www.myspace.com/yourdirtyhabit
15. Chromeo - Bonafied Lovin (YUKSEK remix) (4:26) http://www.myspace.com/yuksek
16. Computer Club - Bizarre Love Triangle (4:44) http://www.myspace.com/okcomputerclub
17. Comtron - Evil OS (Blokgolf rmx) (4:44) http://www.myspace.com/comtronmusic http://www.myspace.com/blokgolf
18. The Count & Sinden - Beeper (A-Trak remix) (5:59) http://www.myspace.com/countandsinden
19. Cut Copy - Far Away (Hercules and Love Affair Remix) (5:31) http://www.myspace.com/cutcopy http://www.myspace.com/herculesandloveaffair
20. Diskokaine - Riminini (Vocal Mix) (4:52) http://www.myspace.com/diskokaine
21. DJ Kue - Lover's Break (Original Mix) (5:51) http://www.myspace.com/kuedj
22. Dj Mehdi - Pocket Piano (Chewy Chocolate Cookies Rmx) (4:51) http://www.myspace.com/djmehdi
23. DMX Krew - Bad Boy (4:31) http://www.myspace.com/edmx
24. HEARTSREVOLUTION - SWITCHBLADE (TOXIC AVENGER RMX) (3:21) http://www.myspace.com/heartsrevolution http://www.myspace.com/toxavanger
25. Hostage - Shake it (5:18) http://www.myspace.com/alanhostage
26. Kill The Noise - Hey You (4:56) http://www.myspace.com/killnoisekill
27. Ladyhawke - Dusk Til' Dawn (The Shoes Remix) (4:10) http://www.myspace.com/ladyhawkerock
28. Late of the Pier - Bathroom Gurgle (Tronik Youth Remix) (5:23) http://www.myspace.com/lateofthepier http://www.myspace.com/tronikyouth
29. Little Boots - Stuck on Repeat (Alexander Robotnick RMX) (8:42) http://www.myspace.com/littlebootsmusic http://www.myspace.com/alexanderrobotnick
30. Lykke Li - Breaking It Up (Punks Jump Up Remix) (5:34) http://www.myspace.com/lykkeli http://www.myspace.com/punksjumpup
31. metronomy - heartbreaker (discodeine mix) (5:15) http://www.myspace.com/metronomy http://www.myspace.com/discodeine
32. Munk - Down In L.A. (Shazam Remix) (4:46) http://www.myspace.com/munkfromgomma http://www.myspace.com/shazamperth
33. rodion - athena acid (5:45) http://www.myspace.com/r0d10n
34. Sebastien Tellier - Divine (Danger Remix) (6:21) http://www.myspace.com/sebastientellier http://www.myspace.com/2emedanger
35. The American Dream Team - Money (6:03) http://www.myspace.com/thenewamericandream
36. Siriusmo - Simple (4:30) http://www.myspace.com/siriusmo
37. The Ting Tings - Great DJ (Calvin Harris Remix) (7:06) http://www.myspace.com/thetingtings http://www.myspace.com/calvinharristv
38. whomadewho - tv-friend-hot-chip-radio-edit (2:21) http://www.myspace.com/whomadewhomusic http://www.myspace.com/hotchip
click to STREAM!
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