Ballard's visionary imagination grew in the realms of dreamlike, subjective science fiction and gradually came to embrace an aseptic hyperrealism. His precise, disenchanted intuitions of a future life governed by the concepts of anti-utopia and disaster inspired numerous artists. Examples include albums such as Metamatic by John Foxx, various songs by Joy Division (most famously The Atrocity Exhibition from Closer), the songs Down in the Park and Cars by Gary Numan and Warm Leatherette by The Normal.
This influence goes beyond the British post-punk groups, though. The 2007 album by the British "new rave" act the Klaxons takes its name from Ballard's collection of short stories Myths of the Near Future, while an earlier recording of him speaking in an interview is sampled in the Manic Street Preachers' song Mausoleum from the 1994 album The Holy Bible. In the sample, Ballard, probably referring to his novel, Crash, states : "I wanted to rub the human face in its own vomit, I wanted to force it to look in the mirror...".
Still not convinced? Suede's sound might have been a retro-leaning Bowie/Smiths homage, but their lyrics depicting high rises, asphalt underpasses and dysfunctional lovers adrift in the city are unashamedly Ballardian; Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke posted extracts from Ballard's anti-consumerist novel Kingdom Come on the band's blog, in the months leading up to the release of their 2007 album, In Rainbows; Andrew Eldritch, frontman of The Sisters of Mercy has posted his favourite works of Ballard on his site; the much hyped Empire Of The Sun took their name from Ballard's novel; Nine Inch Nails' concept album Year Zero describes a world where the governments put sedatives in the water to keep the masses blinkered, dirty bombs go off in Los Angeles, climate change wreaks havoc and war is a constant reality. Sounds familiar? Even the opening song title of Madonna's Ray of Light album, Drowned World/Substitute for Love (and the Drowned World tour title) is said to be inspired by the apocalyptic 1962 novel The Drowned World.
So put something to drink, turn down the lights and immerse yourself in the world of a Ballardian band, while reading The Atrocity Exhibition. R.I.P. J.G. Ballard. You will be missed.
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