IPS have a distinctive vision as their songs incorporate electronic beats that nod towards Pendulum, The Chemical Brothers and Squarepusher but also the melodic and aggressive energy that’s not far from what you’d find in Nine Inch Nails, Julien-K or even hardcore punk. Add to that some influence by The Killers and Shiny Toy Guns and you get the picture.
Their self-titled debut (2008) reeks of talent and shows a band with great potential. Hefty dance grooves, soaring guitars, emotive vocals and heavy synths are perfectly mixed, thus creating an undeniable energy destined to bring havoc to any dance floor cloaked in black. Fans of White Lies should really check them out.
The quartet is now putting out a new single filled with unreleased tracks, so head over to their MySpace page for more info and tour dates.
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