Their Debut LP “Under Control” was released last July by the German netlabel afmusic that the band got in contact with quite simply, through MySpace. “They were impressed by our sound and we decided to work with them, explains Matteo Scarpa, the band’s singer-bass player. Giving music out for free is ok for us, we don’t play for money but because we love it.”
Amidst an Italian indie scene where, according to Matteo, “the average level of quality of bands is not so high”, The Transisters certainly stick out. The band is busy working on their second album at the moment, and plans a future filled with “more gigs and more good songs. We’re positive about it.”
So if you're looking for anxious beats, angular guitars and sober vocals, you're in for a treat. Fans of Joy Division, Bauhaus, Gang Of Four and She Wants Revenge won't be disappointed. The album is available as a free download and you can get it here. And don't forget to check out The Transisters on Myspace!
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